Video 547 | Core Foundations Four: Day 4 (30 minutes) with Lauren Eirk
Core Foundations Program
In this workout, dumbbells are added to many of the back-bending exercises we have been incorporating, such as standing pulldowns, rows, back bends, hip extension and glute bridge variations. To target the muscles in this plane of motion, we will be using a combination of dumbbells and Therabands / elastic resistance. Any time, if you feel as though the weight makes the exercise too challenging, feel free to eliminate it. This workout will help you to fight gravity to remain upright without straining your back.
Purchase Products used on this video from Amazon:
Neoprene Coated Dumbbells:
Yoga Mat:
Up Next in Core Foundations Program
Video 548 | Core Foundations Four: Da...
As we finish week four, the focus is learning to improve joint stability and balance, placing more workload on our neuromuscular system. This workout incorporates the stability ball in a variety of extension exercises. It is the best tool to work your core, due to its curved shape. It is often...