In this video, we are targeting bone density using a variety of weight bearing exercises using dumbbells and a chair for support. The hip joint, lower back, shoulders, foot, and ankle commonly suffer with repetitive activity and muscle loss. Experience muscle contractions and longer hold times while the joints placed in various positions. All levels welcome!
Purchase equipment on Amazon:
Neoprene Coated Dumbbells:
Yoga Mat:
Up Next in Total Body
Video 348 | Muscle Builder (30 minute...
It is a fact that most people will lose approximately thirty percent of their total mass between the ages of 40-80. Preserving our muscles is paramount.
In this video, we will perform ten multi-joint compound exercises chosen for their effectiveness in stimulating muscle growth. Using both a...
Video 070 | Full Body Strength Traini...
Full Body Strength Training with Dumbbells with Lauren Eirk is a full body strength training workout that shows how to incorporate dumbbells into many common positions. Learn how to effectively position the dumbbells to target muscles of the legs, hips, core, shoulders, and arms. Strength train...
Live Event with Lauren Eirk | Push-Pu...
Push/Pull Workout is a type of workout that combines movements that are complementary in nature to help improve muscle balance and joint symmetry. Enjoy a combination of chest / triceps / quad exercises with back / bicep / hamstring exercises done back-to-back with dumbbells and elastic bands. ...
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