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Video 490 | Isometric Core Mobility Boost (15 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

Spinal Osteoporosis Recipe

Up Next in Spinal Osteoporosis Recipe

  • Video 583 | Integrated Hip Isometrics...

    In this Isometric workout, we will be utilizing isometric resistance training for the hips while integrating the knee, ankle, foot, and spine as a progressive approach to isolation work. Practice multi-joint isometric positions using one or two legged standing positions followed by several seate...

  • Video 435 | Yoga Strong Core (45 minu...

    The ancient practice of Yoga is full of postures that are centered around the health of the trunk and spine. In this flow-style practice, the sponge ball and TheraBand will be incorporated into several spinal postures that flex, extend, and rotate the spine. This is extremely helpful for suppor...

  • Video 432 | Top 10 Spinal Stability E...

    As we age, the spine is subject to everyday stresses that eventually wear down its structures over time. Specifically, the discs that act as cushions between the spine’s vertebrae begin to shrink and get worn down as their moisture content declines. As a result, the vertebral bones begin to rub a...

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