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Video 418 | C.P.I. Spine (30 Minute Routine) with Lauren Eirk

Spinal Osteoporosis Recipe

Up Next in Spinal Osteoporosis Recipe

  • Video 355 | Core Express (15 Minutes)...

    Even if you have a limited amount of time, you can still get a great workout. This Express workout targets the muscles that rotate the trunk and spine in rotation. Starting from a supine position, practice six of the most effective bodyweight exercises to target the muscles such as the obliques,...

  • Video 273 | FIS Neck and Spine Therap...

    This workout is for all levels, showcasing the FIS Methodology. Learn how to assess range of motion in your neck and adjust with safe, effective isometric exercises. Progress with shoulder mobility and core specific exercises to improve the health of the cervical spine and manage chronic neck pai...

  • Video 570 | Hip and Core Prehab (30 m...

    Prehabilitation is the practice of keeping our joints healthy as preventative maintenance. It requires a constant revision of basic principles, patience, consistency, and practice.

    This bodyweight routine is jammed full of hip and spine exercise essentials, designed to address some of the maj...