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Video 273 | FIS Neck and Spine Therapy (30 minute workout) with Lauren Eirk

Spinal Osteoporosis Recipe

Up Next in Spinal Osteoporosis Recipe

  • Video 570 | Hip and Core Prehab (30 m...

    Prehabilitation is the practice of keeping our joints healthy as preventative maintenance. It requires a constant revision of basic principles, patience, consistency, and practice.

    This bodyweight routine is jammed full of hip and spine exercise essentials, designed to address some of the maj...

  • Video 393 | Core Respiratory Training...

    Studies say that most individuals only use 10-15% of their total breating capacity. In this video, we will practice two powerful breathing exercises designed to improve lung capacity, cardiovascular function, and emotional regulation. Next, we move through several targeted exercises to strength...

  • Video 268 | Spinal Solutions (30 Minu...

    Do you ever get a stiff back or experience chronic pain? There are ways to manage your health from the comfort of your own home!
    This video begins with a comprehensive range of motion self-assessment to see where your joint ranges are limited. This provides such valuable information for you to ...