Spinal Osteoporosis Recipe

Spinal Osteoporosis Recipe

Osteoporosis of the spine (vertebral osteoporosis) is a condition where the bones in your spine become weak, porous, and brittle due to loss of bone density. The vertebrae can become so fragile that they may fracture or compress even during normal daily activities.
Common symptoms include:
Height loss over time (can be gradual or sudden)
Stooped or hunched posture (also called dowager's hump or kyphosis)
Back pain, especially sudden or severe pain that worsens with standing or walking
Limited spinal mobility
Reduced range of motion
In severe cases, breathing difficulties due to compressed chest cavity
Core Strengthening:

In this FIS Recipe, we will be using exercise to gently strengthen abdominal and back muscle exercises, focusing on deep stabilizing muscles that support the spine. This program will focus on improving bone density and reducing pain by changing the muscular pull ont the area. Each person will have specific limitations that will need to be addressed. It is recommended that you listen to the modifications and adjust the exercises based on your specific needs. This program is based on the 5-Step Cycle of Muscle Maintenance.

5-Step Cycle Schedule:
Week / Step 1: Activate
1. Video 292 | Isometric Core Boost (15 Minutes)
2. Video 293 | Isometric Core Boost II (15 Minutes)
3. Video 294 | Isometric Core Boost III (15 Minutes)
4. Video 295 | Isometric Core Boost IV (15 Minutes)

Week / Step 2 Integrate
1. Video 490 | Isometric Core Mobility Boost (15 minutes)
2. Video 583 | Integrated Hip Isometrics (30 minutes)
3. Video 435 | Yoga Strong Core (45 minutes)
4. Video 432 | Top 10 Spinal Stability Exercises (30 minutes)

Week / Step 3: Move
1. Video 418 | C.P.I. Spine (30 Minutes)
2. Video 355 | Core Express (15 Minutes)
3. Video 273 | FIS Neck and Spine Therapy (30 minutes)
4. Video 570 | Hip and Core Prehab (30 minutes)

Week / Step 4: Amplify
1. Video 393 | Core Respiratory Training (30 Minutes)
2. Video 268 | Spinal Solutions (30 Minute Workout)
3. Video 269 | Spinal Solutions II (30 mins)
4. Video 563 | Osteo-Spine (60 minutes)

Week / Step 5: Optimize
1. Video 427 | Deep Core (30 minutes)
2. Video 442 | Deep Core and More (30 minutes)
3. Video 394 | Back Therapy Ball (15 minutes)
4. Video 212 | Abs, Back, and Ball (45 Minute Workout)

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Spinal Osteoporosis Recipe
  • Video 292 | Isometric Core Boost (15 Minute Routine) with Lauren Eirk

    If you need a quick boost, this 15-minute bodyweight workout will help you strengthen core muscles and help give you improved spinal stability using a series of rotation-based isometric exercises. You will not need any equipment for this workout. Think of this as a preparation to exercise! Rem...

  • Video 293 | Isometric Core Boost II (15 Minute Routine) with Lauren Eirk

    If you need a quick boost, this 15-minute bodyweight workout will help you strengthen core muscles and help give you improved spinal stability using a series of flexion-based isometric exercises using the mini ball.

    Think of this as a preparation to exercise! Remember that you are only as good ...

  • Video 294 | Isometric Core Boost III (15 Minute Routine) with Lauren Eirk

    If you need a quick boost, this 15-minute bodyweight workout will help you improve posture using a series of extension-based isometric exercises with modifications given for anyone who has a hard time moving this way.

    You will not need any equipment for this workout, although a blanket under th...

  • Video 295 | Isometric Core Boost IV (15 Minute Routine) with Lauren Eirk

    If you need a quick boost, this 15-minute bodyweight workout will help you improve posture using a series of isometric exercises that laterally flex / side bend the trunk and spine using the sponge ball.

    These exercises are crucial for spinal stability, as these are the muscles that keep us up...

  • Video 490 | Isometric Core Mobility Boost (15 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    If you need a quick boost, this 15-minute bodyweight workout will help you strengthen core muscles. Enjoy improved mobility with improved spinal and hip stability using a series of rotation, flexion, and extension isometric exercises. You will not need any equipment for this workout. Think of...

  • Video 583 | Integrated Hip Isometrics (30 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    In this Isometric workout, we will be utilizing isometric resistance training for the hips while integrating the knee, ankle, foot, and spine as a progressive approach to isolation work. Practice multi-joint isometric positions using one or two legged standing positions followed by several seate...

  • Video 435 | Yoga Strong Core (45 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    The ancient practice of Yoga is full of postures that are centered around the health of the trunk and spine. In this flow-style practice, the sponge ball and TheraBand will be incorporated into several spinal postures that flex, extend, and rotate the spine. This is extremely helpful for suppor...

  • Video 432 | Top 10 Spinal Stability Exercises (30 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    As we age, the spine is subject to everyday stresses that eventually wear down its structures over time. Specifically, the discs that act as cushions between the spine’s vertebrae begin to shrink and get worn down as their moisture content declines. As a result, the vertebral bones begin to rub a...

  • Video 418 | C.P.I. Spine (30 Minute Routine) with Lauren Eirk

    If you suffer from Chronic Pain and Inflammation in the trunk and spine, this 30 minute seated and standing routine can be a way to start you on your journey of healing. If you are a desk worker, many of these exercises can be done from a chair.

    Learn specific isometric exercises to strengthen...

  • Video 355 | Core Express (15 Minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    Even if you have a limited amount of time, you can still get a great workout. This Express workout targets the muscles that rotate the trunk and spine in rotation. Starting from a supine position, practice six of the most effective bodyweight exercises to target the muscles such as the obliques,...

  • Video 273 | FIS Neck and Spine Therapy (30 minute workout) with Lauren Eirk

    This workout is for all levels, showcasing the FIS Methodology. Learn how to assess range of motion in your neck and adjust with safe, effective isometric exercises. Progress with shoulder mobility and core specific exercises to improve the health of the cervical spine and manage chronic neck pai...

  • Video 570 | Hip and Core Prehab (30 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    Prehabilitation is the practice of keeping our joints healthy as preventative maintenance. It requires a constant revision of basic principles, patience, consistency, and practice.

    This bodyweight routine is jammed full of hip and spine exercise essentials, designed to address some of the maj...

  • Video 393 | Core Respiratory Training (30 Minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    Studies say that most individuals only use 10-15% of their total breating capacity. In this video, we will practice two powerful breathing exercises designed to improve lung capacity, cardiovascular function, and emotional regulation. Next, we move through several targeted exercises to strength...

  • Video 268 | Spinal Solutions (30 Minute Workout) with Lauren Eirk

    Do you ever get a stiff back or experience chronic pain? There are ways to manage your health from the comfort of your own home!
    This video begins with a comprehensive range of motion self-assessment to see where your joint ranges are limited. This provides such valuable information for you to ...

  • Video 269 | Spinal Solutions II (30 mins) with Lauren Eirk

    First, learn some great self assessments to detect any range of motion differences. Next, practice some positional isometric exercises, designed to activate weak muscles, particularly ones that are sitting in the front of the body that flex the spine.
    From here, we will use a mini ball and thi...

  • Video 563 | Osteo-Spine (60 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    As we age, it is important to keep our bones strong, for people with more advanced osteoporosis have a higher risk of spinal fractures. For this reason, core training may be tricky, considering many are told by their health care provider not to rotate, bend forwards, or bend backwards.

    In this...

  • Video 427 | Deep Core (30 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    Pelvic Floor Dysfunction is often classified as urologic, gynecologic, colorectal, and other causes. It affects over 32% of women and 16% of men. The core and the deep core are the target of this therapeutic routine.

    In this workout, work the lumbo pelvic-hip complex, which includes deeper mu...

  • Video 442 | Deep Core and More (30 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    It is said that 50 percent of people with chronic constipation, low back pain and pelvic pain have pelvic floor dysfunction (PFD) — impaired relaxation and coordination of pelvic floor and abdominal muscles. Intensive pelvic floor retraining exercises is often used to treat non-relaxing pelvic f...

  • Video 394 | Back Therapy Ball (15 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    This 15 minute routine will teach you some of the most important exercises to do for the lower back and surrounding joints. The stability ball is often used in rehab and physical therapy because it gets you off the floor and allows you to safely move through a greater resisted range of motion. ...

  • Video 212 | Abs, Back, and Ball (45 Minute Workout) with Lauren Eirk

    The stability ball is a versatile tool to better target the core. In this workout, feel how the shape, texture, and size of the ball can accommodate the spine and add more challenge to your muscles. In each exercise, the ball adds instability that must be controlled by your muscular system. Th...