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Video 481 | Isometric Boost Shoulder Internal Rotation (15 min) with Lauren EIrk

Shoulder Rehab Program

Up Next in Shoulder Rehab Program

  • Video 416 | Isometric Shoulder 360 Bo...

    The shoulder is a very complex joint. It is the most mobile and the least stable joint in the body. In this workout, we will train many of the cardinal planes of the shoudler. Practice positional isometric strength training to build strength, improve muscle contractions, lower risk of injury, ...

  • Video 572 | Shoulder Prehab (30 minut...

    Prehabilitation is the practice of keeping our joints healthy as preventative maintenance. It requires a constant revision of basic principles, patience, consistency, and practice.

    This bodyweight routine uses bodyweight, the floor, the wall, and the TheraBand to create essential mobility and...

  • Video 333 | Pilates Back and Shoulder...

    Pilates is known for classic core strengthening floorwork targeting the abdominals, back, hips, and shoulders. In this workout, we will work to specifically target shoulder muscles using a Pilates ring (or magic circle) and a TheraBand. Improve your posture as you combine shoulder movements wit...