Video 415 | Shoulders 360 (30 minutes) with Lauren Eirk
Shoulder Rehab Program
The shoulder is considered the most mobile joint in the body. The shoulder does not have a stable structure, having a relatively shallow socket. Therefore, it is it is largely managed through its liagaments and muscular attachments. It is very susceptible to injury.
In this video, we will attempt to train many planes of the shoulder blades, clavicle, and upper arm bone (humerus). Experience exercises with dumbbells that move the arm up, down, out to the side, and in rotation (i.e. flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, upward and downward rotation). Learn how to set up a dumbbell exercise with various positions to target specific areas of the shoulder in order to maximize your results.
The key to resistance training, the FIS TV method, lies in strategically varying your exercises and resistance tools. Learn about proper control and execution of every exercise with modifications throughout. I recommend having a lighter and heavier resistance selection. I will be using a chair for support in a few of the exercises.
Purchase the equipment used in this video from Amazon:
Neoprene Coated Dumbbells:
Yoga Mat:
Up Next in Shoulder Rehab Program
Video 493 | Iso-Dynamic Chest and Sho...
In this workout, we will perform several isometric exercises for the chest and shoulder in various stability ball positions. Also, we will combine concentric and eccentric contractions using dumbbells.
Start with the stability ball alone as a resistance to press into for purposeful isometrics. ...
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