Video 496 | Hips, Thighs, and Core Ring Workout (30 minutes) with Lauren Eirk
Pilates 2023
This 30 minute Pilates routine is packed with classic Pilates Mat exercises designed to work th hips, thighs, and core using the magic circle. This resistance tool can add challenge to many of the common motions as spinal flexion, hip abduction, and trunk rotation to name a few. By placing the ring strategically against the legs, the floor, or upper body, the ring can gently oppose joint motions to improve muscle contractions.
In thirty minutes, you will see how this comfortable, well-sized tool adds fun, creativity, and excitement to ten basic positions, done in supine, prone, and seated positions. All levels welcome.
Purchase the equipment used in this video from Amazon:
Yoga Mat:
Pilates Ring:
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