New This Month
We believe that fitness is a way of life that extends far beyond the participation in training sessions. In this collection, easily find the latest videos of the month with the freshest content! We want to bring you the latest information in Yoga, Pilates, Strength Training, Fitness and Wellness. Even though you may have some favorite videos that you keep going back to, it is important to mix things up, explore new ideas, stay current, and stay motivated. This collection will update each month, so check this area regularly. Once the month is complete, these videos will be listed under relevant topic categories.
Video 660 | Full Body Calisthenics (45 mins) with Lauren Eirk
This 45 minute workout is a moderately-paced bodyweight routine designed to target the full body with creative variations on some classic calisthenics for improved mobility and strength. This is a flowing format as awe perform 8-12 reps for each exercise.
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Video 659 | IsoBoost Day 15 (30 minutes) with Lauren Eirk
This is our final workout #15 with a full body routine of abduction and adduction. This is a multi-joint workout and we will be exerting a lot of energy today! We will begin at the wall with some wall squats, then moving away from the wall for some other squatting variations to target inner/ou...