Middle Back Pain Recipe

Middle Back Pain Recipe

Middle back pain refers to discomfort or pain occurring in the thoracic spine, the area between the base of the neck and the bottom of the rib cage. This region consists of 12 vertebrae (T1-T12), which are connected to the ribs and provide structural support and stability. Middle back pain is less common than lower back or neck pain but can significantly impact quality of life, depending on its severity and cause. Many times, is a core strength problem and can easily become addressed with core isometrics and possibly bodyweight calisthenics.

Some of the causes of Middle Back Pain include: muscle strain, overuse, poor posture (core weakness), herniated or bulging discs, arthritis, scoliosis, kyphosis, traumatic injury, falls, and osteoporosis. Emotional issues, stress and anxiety can cause muscle tension in the back, contributing to discomfort. In this program, there are 12 workouts, designed to be practiced at a pace of 4 workouts a week. 21 days is thought to create a habit, and the structure of these exercises allow for some tissue adaptation over 3 weeks. However you can also do this routine at your own pace, take the weekends off, do a video every other day, repeat videos, and take your time progressing through the content.

These are mainly bodyweight workouts that address the cardinal planes of the trunk and hip to build a strong foundation. Each week has three 15 minute isometric workouts to be done with an active rest day between. There is also an optional 30 minute calisthenics routine for movement (concentric-eccentric) choice for those seeking to progress their workouts over time. This routine and any included videos can be repeated over and over as needed, but remember that consistency is key!

Week 1
1.Video 293 | Isometric Core Boost II (15 Minute Routine) Isometric exercises for trunk flexion.
2. Video 294 | Isometric Core Boost III (15 Minute Routine) Isometric exercises for trunk extension.
3. Video 296: Isometric Hip Boost (15 minutes) Isometric exercises for hip flexion
(optional) Video 440 | Yoga for Inflexible People: Back (30 Minutes) Integrated Isometric bodyweight routine for the back using a blanket and a chair.

Week 2
1. Video 298 | Isometric Hip Boost III (15 Minute Routine) (15 minutes) Isometric exercises for hip extension.
2. Video 314 | Isometric Hip-Core Extension Boost (15 Minutes) Isometric exercises for hip and trunk extension.
3. Video 385 | Frozen Shoulder Therapy (15 Mins)
(optional) Video 247 | Yoga Therapy For Shoulders (45 Minutes) Therapeutic Exercises for shoulder pain, tightness, and instability using a yoga strap and block.

Week 3
1. Video 340 | Isometric Core Ball Boost (15 minute routine) Isometric exercises with the stability ball for core activation.
2. Video 332 | Isometric Shoulder Boost: Retraction (15 Minutes) Isometric exercises for muscles that draw the shoulder blades together.
3. Video 276 | Yogalates for the Back (30 Minute Workout) Integrated isometrics and calisthenics for relief in dealing with mid back pain.
(optional) Video 382 | Essential Back and Shoulder Isometrics (45 Minutes) Integrated and isolated isometrics for back and shoulder muscles.

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Middle Back Pain Recipe
  • Video 293 | Isometric Core Boost II (15 Minute Routine) with Lauren Eirk

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  • Video 294 | Isometric Core Boost III (15 Minute Routine) with Lauren Eirk

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  • Video 296 | Isometric Hip Boost (15 Minute Routine) with Lauren Eirk

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  • Video 440 | Yoga for Inflexible People: Back (30 Minutes) with Lauren Eirk

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  • Video 298 | Isometric Hip Boost III (15 Minute Routine) with Lauren Eirk

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  • Video 314 | Isometric Hip-Core Extension Boost (15 Minutes) with Lauren Eirk

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  • Video 385 | Frozen Shoulder Therapy (15 Mins) with Lauren Eirk

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  • Video 247 | Yoga Therapy For Shoulders (45 Minutes) with Lauren Eirk

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  • Video 340 | Isometric Core Ball Boost (15 minute routine) with Lauren Eirk

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  • Video 332 | Isometric Shoulder Boost: Retraction (15 Minutes) with Lauren Eirk

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  • Video 276 | Yogalates for the Back (30 Minute Workout) with Lauren Eirk

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  • Video 382 | Essential Back and Shoulder Isometrics (45 Minutes) with Lauren Eirk

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