Lower Body Strength

Lower Body Strength

If you are looking to build muscle, these workouts will show you how to add resistance to the large muscles of the lower extremities. Target the thighs, hamstrings, calves, glutes, hips, and feet. Experience workouts targeting one or more areas at a time, with multiple sets and repetitions to help build muscle. Muscles will help the knee, hip, ankle, and joints of the foot to become more stable, including the trunk and spine, which will be working in nearly every exercise! Modifications will be given throughout so that you can progress safely with confidence. Free weights, therabands, and thigh bands will be used, but they can be eliminated when needed.

When adding resistance, you may notice that your range of motion changes, new areas need to be controlled, and that it will take some time to hone proper form. Never let the resistance overpower the exercise. Choose a weight that you can safely perform 10-15 repetitions before fatigue sets in. Remember that it is the quality of each individual repetition that counts!

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Lower Body Strength
  • Live Event | Glutes and Hips Isolation Training with Lauren Eirk

    Isolation exercises are fantastic for targeting and engaging specific muscle groups. Isolation resistance workouts allow you to focus on specific areas of the body which needs greater attention, whether due to injury, underuse, or weakness.
    The focus of this class is to build hip and gluteal mu...

  • Live Event | Leg Day Circuit Training with Lauren Eirk

    Circuit training designed to target the lower body using dumbbells and bodyweight for resistance. We will be doing the standing circuits two times so that you get the opportunity to practice the exercises. This steady-pace resistance training workout will tone and firm the lower legs, glutes, t...

  • Video 409 | Thigh Band Glutes & Outer Hips (30 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    This workout includes a standing warm-up with squat and hip flexor work followed by floorwork designed to strengthen the hips while activating the surrounding muscles of the trunk and spine. Working with the thigh band, experience a variety of forces to train the gluteus maximus, minimus, and me...

  • Video 417 | Holistic Foot and Ankle Workout (30 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    The foot is the foundation and is influenced by other joints in the body as well as the floor. The foot, ankle and lower leg adapt to the ground by pronating and supinating, causing the knee, hip, spine, and shoulder to take on similar motions.

    In this therapeutic strength routine, we will look...

  • Video 421 | FIS Hips and Back (30 minutes) withe Lauren Eirk

    Hip and back muscles work together to perform many extension-based exercises that fight gravity and keep us upright. In this workout, experience over ten exercises choreographed to be continuous so that you get more accomplished.

    This workout starts with a warm-up, followed by rear shoulder, g...

  • Live Event | Compound Leg Workout with Dumbbells (60 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    Compound lifts are any strengthening exercise where you’re using more than one muscle group at the same time. These exercises are efficient for building strength, since they work several areas at once. In this way you can get great strength benefits in a shorter period of time. The lower body e...

  • Video 436 | FIS Glutes and Calves (30 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    This workout includes a standing warm-up followed by standing glute and calf (gastrocnemius) section with dumbbells designed to strengthen the lower body for improved propulsion and power. We will incorporate a chair in several of the exercises.

    This section is followed by some killer floor w...

  • Video 446 | Glutes and Hamstrings Supersets (30 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    This resistance training workout will explore the "superset" or long set of exercises using dumbbells and a thigh band. Supersets can increase the difficulty of the workout and improve muscle gain since you can get more done in the time you have. Performing exercises with similar muscle groups ...

  • Live Event | Isometric Legs with Dumbbells (60 minutes) with Lauren EIrk

    Isometric training combined with bodyweight and dumbbells to target the lower body including quads, hamstrings, glutes, calves and also core. We will hold each isometric for anywhere from 10-30 seconds with a 5-10 second rest in between. Isolated and integrated isometric resistance training wil...

  • Live Event | Isometric-Dynamic Lower Mobilty (60 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    This lower body Isometric workout features isometric holds combined with dynamic strength exercises to give your whole body a complete workout and help build strength with holds that require large muscle contractions. The movement and isometric will be related, as we work to intensify the worklo...

  • Live Event | Lean Thighs and Glutes (60 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    Leaning out requires sound nutrition, resistance training, and an initial calorie deficit. In this workout, we will be focusing on high repetitions using bodyweight, a thigh band and dumbbells. This workout has more of an endurance feel, much like cardio, with steady training. For standing wor...

  • Video 473 | Thigh Band Express (15 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    This express workout includes a standing warm-up followed by thigh band exercises designed to strengthen the thighs, glutes, and hips while activating the surrounding muscles of the trunk and spine. The exercises will train the gluteus maximus, minimus, and medius muscle groups as well as many h...

  • Live Event | Lower Body Hypertrophy (60 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    The goal of this workout is hypertrophy/growth of the muscles of the lower body. We will accomplish this with a high repetition routine using resistance that allows us to engage or "squeeze" our muscles for better contractions. The goal is to train the quad, thigh, glute, hip, and calf areas.


  • Video 484 Quadriceps Builder (30 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    The goal of this workout is hypertrophy/growth of the muscles of the quadriceps that cross the front of the knee and hip. We will accomplish this with a high repetition routine using resistance that allows us to engage or "squeeze" our muscles for better contractions. Work the quadricep muscles...

  • Video 234 | Thigh Band Glute Workout (30 Minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    If you are looking for an effective workout to target the booty, you are in the right place! This workout includes a standing warm-up followed by a core training section designed to strengthen the hips while activating the surrounding muscles of the trunk and spine. This section is followed by ...

  • Video 554 | Knee-Friendly Leg Workout (30 mins) with Lauren Eirk

    This lower body workout is designed to strengthen the muscles of the hips, thighs, glutes, and lower leg without a lot of repetitive knee bending and mechanical stress. Learn how to feel more comfortable in many lower body exercises such as squats and lunges with this knee-friendly approach.


  • Videeo 559 | Osteo-Hips (35 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    Osteoporosis is often referred to as the “silent” disease because you typically do not have symptoms until you break a bone or become informed at a routine doctor visit. It develops when bone mineral density and bone mass decreases, or when the quality or structure of bone changes.

    Osteoporosis ...

  • Video 564 | Lower Body Build: Circuit (30 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    In this hypertrophy workout, the lower body is the target while using a yoga block, dumbbells, and bodyweight. Using twelve exercises in a circuit training format, experience standing, supine, and prone exercises in a steady-pace resistance training workout. Using rep cadences and intensity shi...

  • Video 567 | Build Your Glutes (30 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    When it comes to building your glutes, we know that the more challenging the exercise, the more muscle fibers you will use. Since glutes are so hard to target in many exercises, high muscle activation is the key.
    In this workout, the glute medius, minimus, and maximus are tageted in standing a...

  • Video 571 | Strong Quads and Thighs (30 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    In this workout, we will focus on a very important set of muscles that not only flex the hip, but also straighten the knee. Hip flexor muscles include the psoas major, iliacus, tensor fascia latae, and rectus femoris. The quadriceps also extend the knee, making it straight. These are an essenti...

  • Video 285 | Quads and Core (30 Minute Workout) with Lauren Eirk

    We commonly refer to "abs" when we think of core training, but many muscles in the front of the body can flex the spine. In this routine, strengthen the quadriceps, which affect both the hip and spine, and the abdominals.

    Starting on the floor, enjoy some great trunk and spine exercises to ton...