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Video 655 | IsoBoost Day 11 (30 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

IsoBoost Program

Up Next in IsoBoost Program

  • Video 656 | IsoBoost Day 12 (30 minut...

    On day 12 we will be progressing further into the hips. You will get a chance to repeat and hone some of the isometrics from Day 11 in this series so that you can perfect these! The beginning of the routine includes an isolation exercise, non-weight-bearing, to target the longissimus, multifidu...

  • Video 657 | IsoBoost Day 13 (30 minut...

    On day 13 we will be incorporating lateral flexion for the total body. You will get a chance to repeat and hone some of the isometrics from Day 12 in this series so that you can perfect these! The beginning of the routine includes We will be using isolated and integrated isometrics for this rou...

  • Video 658 | IsoBoost Day 14 (30 minut...

    On day 14 we will be incorporating lateral flexion for the hips and lower leg & foot as well as the influences at the knee. You will get a chance to repeat and hone some of the isometrics from Day 13 in this series so that you can perfect these! The beginning of the routine includes some standi...