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Video 652 | IsoBoost Day 08 (30 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

IsoBoost Program

Up Next in IsoBoost Program

  • Video 653 | IsoBoost Day 09 (30 minut...

    On day 9 we are moving our focus to the lower body, particularly the muscles that flex the hip and dorsiflex the ankle. We are targeting muscles like the hip flexors, shins, and quadriceps. This workout is geared towards the squat. We will be using isolated and integrated isometrics for this r...

  • Video 654 | IsoBoost Day 10 (30 minut...

    On day 10 we are moving our focus to the lower body, particularly the muscles that extend the hip and plantar flex the ankle. We are targeting muscles like the glutes, hamstrings, and calves. This workout is geared towards the muscles that keep us upright. We will be using isolated and integra...

  • Video 655 | IsoBoost Day 11 (30 minut...

    On day 11 and the next four workouts, we will target lateral flexion. This is called the "frontal" plane of the body. We begin with a core workout to establish trunk stability for the rest of the series. We will be using isolated and integrated isometrics for this routine. Even though certain...