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Video 646 | IsoBoost Day 02 (30 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

IsoBoost Program

Up Next in IsoBoost Program

  • Video 647 | IsoBoost Day 03 (30 minut...

    On day three of the IsoBoost Program we will concentrate our efforts on shoulder and hip internal / external rotation with trunk exercises. Not only will we leverage our bodyweight, but also the mini ball will be used to create resistance.

    We will begin with crunches on rotation, quadruped, ...

  • Video 648 | IsoBoost Day 04 (30 minut...

    Day four of the IsoBoost Program, and we will concentrate our efforts on hip internal / external rotation with eversion and inversion of the foot using a thigh band for resistance. A chair will be incorporated in this video so that we can comfortably isolate some of our isometrics. We will sta...

  • Video 649 | IsoBoost Day 05 (30 minut...

    Day five of the IsoBoost Program, we are ready for a total body workout using yoga blocks for resistance. If the blocks are too far away from the ground, feel free to use a chair! We will start with some standing multi-joint positions to integrate the foot into the trunk and spine. These are c...

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