IsoBoost Program
This program starts February 10, 2025!
This program consists of 15 isometric workouts, all 30 minutes in length to help muscles engage more efficiently. Isometric exercises involve contracting your muscles without moving the joint or changing the muscle length. Imagine holding a plank or pressing your hands together firmly – that's an isometric exercise in action. Research shows strength can improve by 5% weekly with just 6 seconds of effort at 65% max force. This program can be performed progressively or individually to meet your current needs.
There is minimal equipment required, and I will give you alternative household items to use. *See links below if you want to purchase what I am using!
Purchase Products used in this program from Amazon:
Small Pilates Sponge Ball:
Fabric Resistance Band for Legs:
Yoga Block:
Yoga Strap (10 feet):
Yoga Block with Strap:
Yoga Mat:
Mexican Blanket (Yoga):
Each video will be initially uploaded at 6:00am EST from February 10-28, 2025, Monday-Friday. Here is a summary:
IsoBoost Week One: (February 10-14, 2025) Rotation*
"IsoBoost Day 1" Video 645 (core)
"IsoBoost Day 2" Video 646 (core, hips)
"IsoBoost Day 3" Video 647 (core, hips, shoulders)
"IsoBoost Day 4" Video 648 (hips, knees, lower leg, foot)
"IsoBoost Day 5" Video 649 (total body)
IsoBoost Week Two: (February 17-21) Flexion-Extension*
"IsoBoost Day 6" Video 650 (core)
"IsoBoost Day 7" Video 651 (core, shoulders)
"IsoBoost Day 8" Video 652 (core, shoulders)
"IsoBoost Day 9" Video 653 (hips, knees, lower leg, foot)
"IsoBoost Day 10" Video 654 (hips, knees, lower leg, foot)
IsoBoost Week Three: (February 24-28) Lateral Flexion / Sidebend*
"IsoBoost Day 11" Video 655 (core)
"IsoBoost Day 12" Video 656 (core, hips)
"IsoBoost Day 13" Video 657 (core, hips, shoulders)
"IsoBoost Day 14" Video 658 (hips, knees, lower leg, foot)
"IsoBoost Day 15" Video 659 (total body)
Here are some reasons to do isometrics:
1. Strength Gains: Studies have shown that isometric exercises can effectively increase strength, particularly at the specific joint angle where the exercise is performed.
2. Blood Pressure Management: Interestingly, recent research suggests that isometric exercises, especially when done consistently, can contribute to lowering blood pressure.
3. Rehabilitation: Isometric exercises are often used in rehabilitation programs as they can help strengthen muscles without putting excessive stress on joints.
4. Improved Stability: These exercises can enhance joint stability and core strength, which is crucial for overall fitness and injury prevention.
5. Convenience: Isometric exercises require minimal to no equipment, making them easy to do anywhere, anytime.
6. Time Efficiency: You can get a good workout in a short amount of time with isometric exercises.
7. Low Impact: They are gentle on your joints, making them suitable for people with joint issues or those recovering from injuries.
8. Versatility: Isometric exercises can be incorporated into various fitness routines, from strength training to yoga or Pilates.
9. Positional strengthening: Isometrics increase strength across a 15° range and recruit 10% more muscle fibers than dynamic moves.
Video 645 | IsoBoost Day 01 (30 minutes) with Lauren Eirk
This workout marks the beginning of the "IsoBoost" Program with the very important position of trunk rotation. Even though certain types of isometrics can be very intense, we will be performing isometrics for the purpose of muscle activation, so the resistance used should not include shaking or ...
Video 646 | IsoBoost Day 02 (30 minutes) with Lauren Eirk
In Day two of the IsoBoost Program you will see revisions and some new core exercises as we start training hip internal and external rotation. These exercises use the mini ball to create these isometric positions. Experience supine, sidelying, and prone isometrics for hip rotators.
These musc... -
Video 647 | IsoBoost Day 03 (30 minutes) with Lauren Eirk
On day three of the IsoBoost Program we will concentrate our efforts on shoulder and hip internal / external rotation with trunk exercises. Not only will we leverage our bodyweight, but also the mini ball will be used to create resistance.
We will begin with crunches on rotation, quadruped, ...
Video 648 | IsoBoost Day 04 (30 minutes) with Lauren Eirk
Day four of the IsoBoost Program, and we will concentrate our efforts on hip internal / external rotation with eversion and inversion of the foot using a thigh band for resistance. A chair will be incorporated in this video so that we can comfortably isolate some of our isometrics. We will sta...
Video 649 | IsoBoost Day 05 (30 minutes) with Lauren Eirk
Day five of the IsoBoost Program, we are ready for a total body workout using yoga blocks for resistance. If the blocks are too far away from the ground, feel free to use a chair! We will start with some standing multi-joint positions to integrate the foot into the trunk and spine. These are c...
Video 650 | IsoBoost Day 06 (30 minutes) with Lauren Eirk
This workout marks the second week of the "IsoBoost" Program with the very important position of trunk flexion and extension. Even though certain types of isometrics can be very intense, we will be performing isometrics for the purpose of muscle activation, so the resistance used should not incl...
Video 651 | IsoBoost Day 07 (30 minutes) with Lauren Eirk
On day 7 we are moving our focus to a particular skill that we all need to be able to do, which is shoulder flexion, or reaching overhead. This is an area where people are very vulnerable to becoming injured. Some of the isometrics will be isolated, focusing on one joint motion at a time. Othe...
Video 652 | IsoBoost Day 08 (30 minutes) with Lauren Eirk
On day 8 we are moving our focus to an opposing skill from day 07, called shoulder extension, or reaching back, combined with spinal flexion. This is an area that commonly causes neck and shoulder discomfort. Some of the isometrics will be isolated, focusing on one joint motion at a time. Oth...
Video 653 | IsoBoost Day 09 (30 minutes) with Lauren Eirk
On day 9 we are moving our focus to the lower body, particularly the muscles that flex the hip and dorsiflex the ankle. We are targeting muscles like the hip flexors, shins, and quadriceps. This workout is geared towards the squat. We will be using isolated and integrated isometrics for this r...
Video 654 | IsoBoost Day 10 (30 minutes) with Lauren Eirk
On day 10 we are moving our focus to the lower body, particularly the muscles that extend the hip and plantar flex the ankle. We are targeting muscles like the glutes, hamstrings, and calves. This workout is geared towards the muscles that keep us upright. We will be using isolated and integra...
Video 655 | IsoBoost Day 11 (30 minutes) with Lauren Eirk
On day 11 and the next four workouts, we will target lateral flexion. This is called the "frontal" plane of the body. We begin with a core workout to establish trunk stability for the rest of the series. We will be using isolated and integrated isometrics for this routine. Even though certain...
Video 656 | IsoBoost Day 12 (30 minutes) with Lauren Eirk
On day 12 we will be progressing further into the hips. You will get a chance to repeat and hone some of the isometrics from Day 11 in this series so that you can perfect these! The beginning of the routine includes an isolation exercise, non-weight-bearing, to target the longissimus, multifidu...
Video 657 | IsoBoost Day 13 (30 minutes) with Lauren Eirk
On day 13 we will be incorporating lateral flexion for the total body. You will get a chance to repeat and hone some of the isometrics from Day 12 in this series so that you can perfect these! The beginning of the routine includes We will be using isolated and integrated isometrics for this rou...
Video 658 | IsoBoost Day 14 (30 minutes) with Lauren Eirk
On day 14 we will be incorporating lateral flexion for the hips and lower leg & foot as well as the influences at the knee. You will get a chance to repeat and hone some of the isometrics from Day 13 in this series so that you can perfect these! The beginning of the routine includes some standi...
Video 659 | IsoBoost Day 15 (30 minutes) with Lauren Eirk
This is our final workout #15 with a full body routine of abduction and adduction. This is a multi-joint workout and we will be exerting a lot of energy today! We will begin at the wall with some wall squats, then moving away from the wall for some other squatting variations to target inner/ou...