Video 497 | Hamstrings and Hip Extension (30 minutes) with Lauren Eirk
Hip Rehab Program
In this targeted hamstring, glutes, and hip extension class, we will use the stability ball as a platform and resistance tool with bodyweight and dumbbells as resistance. The workout begins with some of the most effective hamstring work using the ball for eccentric training. Next, the ball creates effective bridging with elevated hip and torso variations. As we move into the hip hinge, lunges, and squats using dumbbells, your glutes and hips will feel the burn!
This class will alternate between bodyweight ball bodyweight, traditional lower body dumbbell exercises, and combinations of the two. The time will fly by as your mind and body become totally engaged with the moving ball! Not only that, your core will be challenged to stay balanced on the ball. It is a win-win!
Purchase the equipment used in this video from Amazon:
Neoprene Coated Dumbbells:
55cm Stability Ball:
65cm Stability Ball:
Yoga Mat: