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Video 378 | Balanced Lower Body Workout (30 Minutes) with Lauren Eirk

Hip Osteoarthritis Recipe

Up Next in Hip Osteoarthritis Recipe

  • Video 400 | Bone Density Challenge Da...

    Experience bone-loading resistance training exercises that are themed in abduction and adduction, training the muscles on this outside and inside of the hip and shoulder. Bone loss is common in these regions of the hip due to our sedentary lifestyle.

    We begin Day Five with several standing e...

  • Video 362 | Barre: Hamstrings and Add...

    Standing and floor exercises to improve the strength of the hamstrings, calves, and inner thighs (adductors). These muscles help to concentrically flex the knee, squeeze the legs together, and stabilize the hips. The also eccentrically control hip flexion and knee extension, as well as moving t...

  • Video 244 | Ball Basic Training (35 M...

    This workout gives you a great opportunity to move through various stability ball positions for a good overview of some great features of stability ball training. This workout will teach you how to modify positions to vary your intensity and balance challenges for your desired fitness goals. Th...