Video 297 | Isometric Hip Boost II (15 Minute Routine) with Lauren Eirk
Hip Osteoarthritis Recipe
If you need a quick boost, this 15-minute bodyweight workout will help you to internally and externally rotate your hip using a thigh band and sponge ball as resistance to create the isometric exercises. Weakness in these areas can cause tightness in trunk and spine, making it more difficult to rotate through our torso.
By pressing into the sponge ball, we can activate muscles to improve hip range of motion and stability, The ball can also address the hip adductor (inner thigh) muscles as we go through the routine! We will use the thigh band press against with some of the exercises to also address hip abductor (outer thigh) muscles. These exercises are crucial for anyone who likes to play rotational sports like tennis, pickle ball, and golf. Many hip muscles attach onto the pelvis and spine, so hip and core muscles function together in many traditional core exercises.
This routine can be done anywhere, anytime. It can reduce fatigue after exercise, as a prevention from injury, and to help manage your muscle strength. This can also be used as a warm-up or as a workout in itself. Isometrics are the precursor to adding any load and challenge to our body.
Purchase Products on Amazon:
Fabric Resistance Band for Legs:
Round Exercise Band:
Small Pilates Sponge Ball:
Yoga Mat:
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