Featured Category

Featured Category

In our Featured Video content section, you will see the content that you don't want to miss. Click any of the thumbnail pictures and go right to new content, live videos, and and foundational videos to get you started and give you results. Also included are the videos highlighted in the weekly email.

Featured Category
  • Video 660 | Full Body Calisthenics (45 mins) with Lauren Eirk

    This 45 minute workout is a moderately-paced bodyweight routine designed to target the full body with creative variations on some classic calisthenics for improved mobility and strength. This is a flowing format as awe perform 8-12 reps for each exercise.

    Feel free to put your favorite music ...

  • IsoBoost Program

    15 items

    This program starts February 10, 2025!

    This program consists of 15 isometric workouts, all 30 minutes in length to help muscles engage more efficiently. Isometric exercises involve contracting your muscles without moving the joint or changing the muscle length. Imagine holding a plank or press...

  • Spinal Osteoporosis Recipe

    20 items

    Osteoporosis of the spine (vertebral osteoporosis) is a condition where the bones in your spine become weak, porous, and brittle due to loss of bone density. The vertebrae can become so fragile that they may fracture or compress even during normal daily activities.
    Common symptoms include:

  • Assessment

    9 items

    If you are new to FIS TV and not sure where to start, you have come to the right place! Whether you are new to exercise, suffering from a new injury, or just checking in with your body, this section will be your guide. These videos will help you evaluate your joint health from one workout to the...

  • Micro Workouts

    12 items

    This collection of videos that are 10 minutes or less in duration. In this collection, you will find videos that are comprised of isometrics, strength training, calisthenics, Pilates, Yoga, and other formats for when you are short on time, energy, or experience.

  • Equipment Links

    0 items

    Here are the links to purchase the essential equipment that I use most from Amazon:

    Small Pilates Sponge Ball: https://amzn.to/3Sgrr8r
    Fabric Thigh Band: https://amzn.to/2WuhPLF
    Theraband: https://amzn.to/3c2lfOq
    Neoprene Coated Dumbbells: https://amzn.to/3OCSr28
    55cm Stability Ball: https://am...

  • New This Month

    2 items

    We believe that fitness is a way of life that extends far beyond the participation in training sessions. In this collection, easily find the latest videos of the month with the freshest content! We want to bring you the latest information in Yoga, Pilates, Strength Training, Fitness and Wellness...