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Video 537 | Core Foundations Two: Day 4 (30 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

Core Foundations Program

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  • Video 538 | Core Foundations Two: Day...

    Today, we bring in the stability ball which is the best tool to work your core, due to its curved shape. However, we will be working to stabilize and balance in this workout, placing more workload on our neuromuscular system.

    This workout starts on the ground, with the ball used as a supporti...

  • Video 539 | Core Foundations Three: D...

    In this full week of sidebend workouts, we will visit isolated isometric joint positions in the frontal plane, at the hip, shoulder, and spine. As we begin our week, it is important that all our muscles are activated and responsive. For this reason, we are starting with isometrics.

    Isometrics ...

  • Video 540 | Core Foundations Three: D...

    In this workout, we will use the Yoga Blocks to help create resistance into lateral flexion / sidebend. Many of the positions are Yoga-themed, especially in some of the standing exercises as well as quadruped sidebend isometrics, side planks, and several Yoga postures that are set up to target m...