Video 347 | Isometric Core Ball Boost II (15 minute routine) with Lauren Eirk
7 Day Fitness Plan
If you need a quick boost, this 15-minute bodyweight workout will help you strengthen core muscles and help give you improved spinal stability using a series of flexion-based isometric exercises. These are the muscles that bend the spine. This includes your "six-pack"!
There is no better tool for spinal exercises than the stability ball! Using the ball as a prop for improved range of motion and joint mechanics, this routine will help keep your muscles healthy for exercise! Remember that you are only as good as your core. When these muscles are are weak, it is difficult to transfer force from the limbs to the core and the core out to the limbs. The foundation of our movement and strength lies in the trunk and spine.
This routine can be done anywhere, anytime. It can reduce fatigue after exercise, as a prevention from injury, and to help manage your muscle strength. This can also be used as a warm-up or as a workout in itself. Isometrics are the precursor to adding any load and challenge to our body.
Purchase Products on Amazon:
55cm Stability Ball:
65cm Stability Ball:
Yoga Mat:
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