7 Day Fitness Plan
New Content and Suggestions for March 10-16, 2025
*This Weekly plan provides an optional 60 minutes of balanced resistance training each day.
(Choose one or both selections for each day)
See the full weekly online calendar here:
New! “Full Body Calisthenics” (45 minutes) Video 660
Moderately-paced bodyweight routine designed to target the full body with creative variations on some classic calisthenics for improved mobility and strength.
To add an extra 15 minutes, try Video 644 "Full Body Bands" for total body strength training with a TheraBand and a Thigh band for upper and lower body.
“Yoga Chair Shoulder Mobility” (30 minutes) Video 461
Chair Yoga practice with an integrated isometric approach to improve shoulder mobility and strength.
If you want an additional 30 minutes, try Video 587 "FIS Pecs & Shoulders" for the pectoralis major, minor, and shoulders using dumbbells and theraband.
“Lower Body Mobility” (30 minutes) Video 430
Integrated hip, knee, and ankle abduction/adduction isometrics using a mini ball and thigh band.
If you want another 30 minutes, try Video 454 "FIS Legs and Glutes", with lower body dumbbell exercises targeting legs and glutes using a chair to add creative challenges.
“Pilates Back and Shoulders” (30 minutes) Video 333
Pilates workout targeting the back and shoulders for core strength using a magic circle and a band.
If you want another 30 minutes, try Video 509 "Biceps-Triceps Supersets" for resistance training using complementary biceps and triceps combinations with dumbbells.
“Hip Calisthenics” (60 minutes) Video 565
Bodyweight hip exercises with high reps using a support followed by a core conditioning segment.
If you want an additional 15 minutes, Video 473 "Thigh Band Express" to strengthen and tone the hips, thighs, and glutes using a thigh band.
“FIS Core Bodyweight Workout” (30 minutes) Video 233
Bodyweight workout for abdominal, low back, hip, & shoulder muscles in a variety of joint positions.
If you want an alternative 30 minutes, try "ABSolute Strength" Video 305 with free weights and a mini ball to add resistance in several abdominal exercises.
This Guide will give you direction in which exercise routines to do each week. Even if you are working on specific FIS TV Workouts that were assigned to you by your MAT Specialist, Personal Trainer, Physician, or Health Professional, the 7-Day Fitness plan can still be your guide! The education you get each week is designed to help you stay focused, inspire you, and assist you in reaching your individual health goals.
This collection of videos is comprised of the workouts that have been chosen in "Your Weekly Fitness and Wellness Coaching Guide" email, delivered every Sunday night at 6:00pm EST. The 7-Day plan is comprised of content that I choose for you to ensure that you work each body part sufficiently and have a chance to experience strength, flexibility, restoration, and intensity in a balanced fitness routine. I provide selections of 15, 30,45, and 60 minutes of exercise content each day so that you can chose what works for you. Come to this collection to be lead each week with adequate time allowed for rest and recovery.
Video 660 | Full Body Calisthenics (45 mins) with Lauren Eirk
This 45 minute workout is a moderately-paced bodyweight routine designed to target the full body with creative variations on some classic calisthenics for improved mobility and strength. This is a flowing format as awe perform 8-12 reps for each exercise.
Feel free to put your favorite music ...
Video 644 Full Body Bands (15 minutes) with Lauren Eirk
In this workout we will use the thigh band and the TheraBand to create a total body resistance workout.
1. Hip Extension with Thigh Band
2. Two Legged hip extension: flexed knees
3. Seated Row
4. Bulgarian Split Squat
5. Overhead Press
6. Supine Chest Press
7. Front Raise
8. Pull Apart
9... -
Video 461 | Yoga Chair Shoulder Mobility (30 minutes) with Lauren Eirk
Yoga itself is an isometric practice using the principles of resistance training. Postures, or "asanas", are used in Yoga to create maximum health in the body for improved concentration and control. In this practice, the focus is to improve the integrity of the shoulder joint.
Using a chair as ...
Video 587 | FIS Pecs & Shoulders (30 minutes) with Lauren Eirk
The pectoral muscles adduct the shoulder, bringing our arms across our body. They also move our shoudler blades apart to allow for freedom of movement in our arms and shoulders. In this workout, we will move through a variety of shoulder positions to build these muscles.
Exercises include t...
Video 430 | Lower Body Mobility (30 minutes) with Lauren Eirk
Mobility issues are often caused by muscle weakness. In this quick 30-minute routine, we will be looking at five different positions of the hip joint using bodyweight as resistance to strengthen muscles and improve mobility.
The five positions we will examine are:
1. Hip Flexion
2. Hip Exten... -
Video 454 | FIS Legs and Glutes (30 minutes) with Lauren Eirk
This workout incorporates a chair to add a lot of challenge and fun to our leg and glute training. Chair workouts are often thought of as easier, but not here! Having a chair for one-leg balance exercises like single leg squats and deadlifts actually help you work harder, since falling is not a...
Video 333 | Pilates Back and Shoulders (30 Minutes) with Lauren Eirk
Pilates is known for classic core strengthening floorwork targeting the abdominals, back, hips, and shoulders. In this workout, we will work to specifically target shoulder muscles using a Pilates ring (or magic circle) and a TheraBand. Improve your posture as you combine shoulder movements wit...
Video 509 | Biceps-Triceps Supersets (30 mins) Lauren Eirk
In this superset workout, we are pairing antagonists biceps and triceps in back-to-back sets. Using dumbbells, experience a variety of repetition cadences and isometric holds to improve muscle responsiveness. As we place these elbow muscles through a strategic amount of stress, the goal is to l...
Video 565 | Hip Calisthenics (60 minutes) with Lauren Eirk
This bodyweight routine is designed to build muscles in your glutes, hip flexors, inner and outer thighs, hamstrings, and calves. We will begin with a warm up, followed by some squat progressions at the barre / support. We will then be working all areas of the complex hip joint, experimenting ...
Video 473 | Thigh Band Express (15 minutes) with Lauren Eirk
This express workout includes a standing warm-up followed by thigh band exercises designed to strengthen the thighs, glutes, and hips while activating the surrounding muscles of the trunk and spine. The exercises will train the gluteus maximus, minimus, and medius muscle groups as well as many h...
Video 233 | FIS Core Bodyweight Workout (30 minutes) with Lauren Eirk
This FIS Muscle Focus workout targets the core. This session is designed to position the body in a variety of ways against gravity to strengthen the core. Using concentric, eccentric, and isometric muscle contractions, this workout will help you feel taller and stronger by strengthening the mu...
Video 305 | ABSolute Strength (30 Minute Workout) with Lauren Eirk
This workout will add some variety and challenge to several abdominal exercises using a mini ball for support and dumbbells for added resistance. After the warm-up, experience a challenging floor routine with the mini ball to experience crunches in a whole new way! Next, dumbbells are incorpora...