Live Event | Unilateral Dumbbell Full-Body Circuit (60 mins) with Lauren Eirk
60 Minutes
1h 6m
This full body workout features a ten exercise circuit format as we move from one challenge to the next with two sets each. Exercises are complementary in nature so that one side can rest while the other is working. It is recommended to use both a lighter and heavier set of dumbbells to get the most out of the workout.
When we move from one side, the other has to brace itself and assist nearby joints for the structure to be stable enough to create the exercise.
In this workout, the majority of resistance exercises will use single-sided movements. As we work through the shoulders, chest, back, lower body, and arms, we will be training the same tempo, load, and planes of motion to help prevent over-usage or compensation in training.
Purchase the equipment used in this video from Amazon:
Neoprene Coated Dumbbells:
Yoga Mat:
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