5 Day Mobility Challenge

5 Day Mobility Challenge

This five day challenge analyzes and improves the five biggest “Foundational Movement Patterns.” for humans. Learning, practicing, and mastering these basic human movements are the keys to engaging in any physical activity safely, effectively, and consistently for a long period of time. Each workout will introduce the movement and allow you to practice your ability to perform the exercise with bodyweight, followed by a deeper dive into the individual joint motions that make up the movement. Isolated isometrics, followed by integrated isometrics, followed by movement, and finally followed by a loaded version of the movement will follow.

In this series, you will be able to experience first-hand that muscle weakness is the primary cause of stiffness and tightness. As strength improves, mobility follows. These workouts can be done out of order, if needed. Make sure to check the descriptions for each day to find out which products I will be using. Enjoy freedom and pain-free movement in your body!

5 Day Mobility Challenge
  • Video 462 | Mobility Challenge: Day 1 (30 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    On day 1 of the mobility series, we will look to strengthen hip flexion, knee flexion, ankle dorsiflexion on the way down to the squat, then hip extension, knee extension, and ankle plantar flexion on the way up. Within this, we also look at the spine's involvement in the squat.

    We begin by exp...

  • Video 463 | Mobility Challenge: Day 2 (30 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    On Day 2 of the mobility series, we will look to strengthen hip flexion, knee extension, ankle dorsiflexion on the way down into the hip hinge, then hip extension, knee extension, and ankle plantar flexion on the way up. Within this, we also look at the spine's involvement in the hip hinge.

    We b...

  • Video 464 | Mobility Challenge: Day 3 (30 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    On Day 3 of the mobility series, we will look to strengthen the muscles involved in pushing things away from our body. The motions include shoulder flexion, shoulder adduction / protraction, and elbow extension.
    Within this, we also look at the spine's involvement in the push.

    We begin by expl...

  • Video 465 | Mobility Challenge: Day 4 (30 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    On Day 4 of the mobility series, we will look to strengthen the muscles involved in pulling things towards our body. The motions include shoulder extension, shoulder abduction / retraction, and elbow flexion. Within this, we also look at the spine's involvement in the pull.

    We begin by explorin...

  • Video 466 | Mobility Challenge: Day 5 (30 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    On Day 5 of the mobility series, we will look to strengthen the muscles involved in rotating through the trunk and spine. As we rotate through the spine, you will notice movement coming from the shoulders and hips to accommodate trunk rotation,

    We begin by exploring our ability to reach across ...