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Video 461 | Yoga Chair Shoulder Mobility (30 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

5 Day Fitness Plan

Up Next in 5 Day Fitness Plan

  • Video 587 | FIS Pecs & Shoulders (30 ...

    The pectoral muscles adduct the shoulder, bringing our arms across our body. They also move our shoudler blades apart to allow for freedom of movement in our arms and shoulders. In this workout, we will move through a variety of shoulder positions to build these muscles.

    Exercises include t...

  • Video 430 | Lower Body Mobility (30 m...

    Mobility issues are often caused by muscle weakness. In this quick 30-minute routine, we will be looking at five different positions of the hip joint using bodyweight as resistance to strengthen muscles and improve mobility.

    The five positions we will examine are:
    1. Hip Flexion
    2. Hip Exten...

  • Video 454 | FIS Legs and Glutes (30 m...

    This workout incorporates a chair to add a lot of challenge and fun to our leg and glute training. Chair workouts are often thought of as easier, but not here! Having a chair for one-leg balance exercises like single leg squats and deadlifts actually help you work harder, since falling is not a...