Video 333 | Pilates Back and Shoulders (30 Minutes) with Lauren Eirk
5 Day Fitness Plan
Pilates is known for classic core strengthening floorwork targeting the abdominals, back, hips, and shoulders. In this workout, we will work to specifically target shoulder muscles using a Pilates ring (or magic circle) and a TheraBand. Improve your posture as you combine shoulder movements with some effective back work for better posture and spinal mobility.
Purchase products on Amazon:
Yoga Mat:
Pilates Ring:
Up Next in 5 Day Fitness Plan
Video 509 | Biceps-Triceps Supersets ...
In this superset workout, we are pairing antagonists biceps and triceps in back-to-back sets. Using dumbbells, experience a variety of repetition cadences and isometric holds to improve muscle responsiveness. As we place these elbow muscles through a strategic amount of stress, the goal is to l...
Video 233 | FIS Core Bodyweight Worko...
This FIS Muscle Focus workout targets the core. This session is designed to position the body in a variety of ways against gravity to strengthen the core. Using concentric, eccentric, and isometric muscle contractions, this workout will help you feel taller and stronger by strengthening the mu...
Video 305 | ABSolute Strength (30 Min...
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