45 Minutes

45 Minutes

Sometimes the length of the workout is the most important! To make finding the perfect video to fit your schedule easier, we compiled this category of 45 minute workouts just for you. This collection includes all 45 minute Yoga, Pilates, Strength, Barre, Ball, and Therapeutic workouts

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45 Minutes
  • Video 660 | Full Body Calisthenics (45 mins) with Lauren Eirk

    This 45 minute workout is a moderately-paced bodyweight routine designed to target the full body with creative variations on some classic calisthenics for improved mobility and strength. This is a flowing format as awe perform 8-12 reps for each exercise.

    Feel free to put your favorite music ...

  • Video 639 | Full Body Pyramid (55 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    This full-body workout uses timed endurance to challenge your muscles with a pyramid structure, increasing and decreasing time under tension to push you toward fatigue and results. Pyramid workouts are some of the most popular training methods, and this workout is done by varying the amount of t...

  • Video 637 | Lower Body Pyramid (50 mins) with Lauren Eirk

    This lower-body workout uses timed endurance to challenge your muscles with a pyramid structure, increasing and decreasing time under tension to push you toward fatigue and results. Pyramid workouts are some of the most popular training methods, and this workout is done by varying the amount of ...

  • Video 634 | Sciatic Solutions (45 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    Sciatica is a painful condition characterized by pain that radiates along the path of the sciatic nerve, which branches from your lower back through your hips and buttocks and down each leg. Typically, sciatica affects only one side of the body and can range from a mild ache to intense, debilitat...

  • Video 632 | Build: Day 12 (45 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    As we age, the goal is to maintain our muscles by adding load and improving contractions. In this final workout of the Build program, we are focusing again on the total body! There will be an isometric core segment in the beginning of the workout. You will notice some creative combinations of e...

  • Video 629 | Build: Day 09 (45 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    As we age, the goal is to maintain our muscles by adding load and improving contractions. In this ninth video of the Build program, we are focusing again on the total body. There will be a core segment in the beginning and end of the workout. A small sponge ball is used to make these more effe...

  • Video 617 | Integrated Upper Body Isometrics (45 mins) with Lauren EIrk

    In this Isometric workout, we will be utilizing isometric resistance training for the upper body to integrate the shoulder, elbow, and spine as a progressive approach to isolation work. Practice multi-joint isometric positions using supine (face-up), prone (face-down), seated, and standing posit...

  • Video 616 | TOS Shoulder Solutions (45 mins) with Lauren Eirk

    Get an Introduction to Thoracic Outlet Syndrome with isometrics for upper body muscles to relieve pain and tightness in the neck, shoulders, and  upper back. This can also help anyone with shoulder and neck dysfunction of any kind. Thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS) is a term used for a group of di...

  • Video 614 | Integrated Lower Body Isometrics (45 mins) with Lauren Eirk

    In this Isometric workout, we will be utilizing isometric resistance training for the lower body to integrate the knee, ankle, foot, and spine as a progressive approach to isolation work. Practice multi-joint isometric positions using seated positions followed by several standing and prone hip p...

  • Video 611 | Yoga Ball for Legs (45 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    The interesting thing about Yoga is that it is always about moving to one's end range. However, our lifestyles never do. This is why we normally feel "tight" in these positions. In this routine, we will gently move into a variety of joint positions, taking a full-body approach using multi-join...

  • Video 600 | Integrated External Hip Rotation (45 Mins) with Lauren Eirk

    In this routine, we will be incorporating Yoga-inspired multi-joint postures in a very specific way in order to improve the strength of the external and "deep" rotators of the hip joints. If you have ever had a hard time sitting on the floor, some of the reasons could come from weakness!

    We wi...

  • Video 596 | Quads and Calves Supersets (45 mins) with Lauren Eirk

    This challenging resistance training routine incorporates five supersets for the quadriceps, gastrocnemius, and soleus muscles using dumbbells, bodyweight calisthenics, and integrated isometric postions for hypertrophy goals. Each superset features one dumbbell exercise for the legs or ankles, o...

  • Video 566 | Frozen Shoulder Solutions (45 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    If you have every suffered from a frozen shoulder, or have known someone who has, you know that it takes a very long time to recover from. The medical term for the frozen shoulder is "Adhesive Capsulitis". This condition is marked by stiffness and pain in the shoulder joint. It typically develo...

  • Video 562 | Full Body Strong Calisthenics (45 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    This bodyweight routine consists of twenty exercises, each targeting specific areas of the upper, lower, and core regions of the body. Although lifting heavy weights does build muscle, we need to be able to work with the weight of our body first.

    In this workout, explore your unique range of ...

  • Video 557 | Muscles in Mid-Life (45 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    This Full Body strength training routine combines 10 of the best exercises to build muscle. If you are new to strength training or just want a full body workout, this workout will help. The chosen exercises are designed to use large muscle groups with exercises using large muscle groups. Using...

  • Video 556 | Over 40 Bone Density Training (45 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    Starting in our 40s, our estrogen and testosterone begin to drop, causing a loss of muscle, bone, and metabolic efficiency. If this goes on, we will begin to put on body fat and increase our risk of fracture. The hip joint, particularly in the femoral neck and greater trochanter, shoulder, lowe...

  • Video 553 | Pilates for Golf (45 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    The Golf swing is a complex sequence of joint movements of the whole body to propel the ball great distances with accuracy. This movement relies on the coordinated sequence of muscle activation to produce a fluid and reproducible movement. To do this, we need adequate core strength and mobility....

  • Video 552 | Yoga Therapy: Foot and Core (45 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    Therapeutic practice is designed to strengthen the foot, ankle, & core to reduce falls and resolve pain-related instability which can hamper our ability to participate in many activities that require quick motions, such as pickleball, tennis, and running. These integrated isometric exercises foc...

  • Video 528 | FIS Deltoids and Rotator Cuff (45 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    This strength training routine focuses on the anterior, middle, and posterior deltoid of the shoulder as well as the four rotator cuff muscles: the supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, and subscapularis. These muscles work together to create a force couple to direct the upper arm bone (hum...

  • Video 524 | Anterior Chain Workout (45 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    The idea of an Anterior Chain refers to the structures at the front of the torso, legs and spine. These muscles provide a foundation for movement and power. The main muscles that make up the Posterior Chain are the shin muscles, pectoral / chest, quadriceps, hip flexors, serratus anterior, abdo...

  • Video 518 | | Ignite Challenge Day 10 (50 mins) with Lauren Eirk

    Day ten is a full body workout using dumbbells, TheraBands, and bodyweight as resistance. The focus for today is to challenge the trunk and spine in a stabilization role, working isometrically to hold the body still while against a resistance. Anti-rotation is given to exercises that requiresus ...

  • Video 516 | Ignite Challenge Day 8 (45 mins) with Lauren Eirk

    In this series, Day 6 is an active rest day, with a video suggestion if you feel like it! Day 7 is rest. That is why we are now looking at Day 8! You can go at your own pace, however!

    Today is leg day! As we start off our second week of workouts, this will get our metabolism going and jump...

  • Video 515 | Ignite Challenge Day 5 (45 mins) with Lauren Eirk

    Day five is the half-way mark! Today we are approaching our muscle building in a full-body circuit format. We will be doing four mini circuits twice each. You will need a light and heavy set of dumbbells for upper and lower body exercises as well as a TheraBand.

    Combo One:
    Thread the Needle...

  • Video 511 | Ignite Challenge Day 1 (45 mins) with Lauren Eirk

    Day one of the Ignite Challenge is designed to work the large muscles of the lower body and its associated trunk muscles that perform flexion movements. We will be focused on variations of squats, lunges, planks, and crunches using bodyweight and dumbbells.

    Experience concentric and eccentric...