Video 416 | Isometric Shoulder 360 Boost (30 minutes) with Lauren Eirk
30 Day Mobility Plan
The shoulder is a very complex joint. It is the most mobile and the least stable joint in the body. In this workout, we will train many of the cardinal planes of the shoudler. Practice positional isometric strength training to build strength, improve muscle contractions, lower risk of injury, reduce inflammation, increase bone density, burn fat, and help with mobility.
In this workout, we will use bodyweight, a Yoga strap, and a Yoga block to create resistance for the shoulder muscles. The goal is to improve their ability to contract. Enjoy progressive isometric positions at a variety of joint angles to improve overal joint integrity.
This routine can be done anywhere, anytime. It can reduce fatigue after exercise, as a prevention from injury, and to help manage your muscle strength. This can also be used as a warm-up or as a workout in itself. Isometrics are the precursor to adding any load and challenge to our body.
Purchase Products on Amazon:
Yoga Mat:
Yoga Strap (10 feet):
Yoga Strap (6 Feet):
Yoga Block:
Yoga Block with Strap:
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