30 Day Muscle Plan

30 Day Muscle Plan

If you have lost muscle due to sedentary lifestyle, aging, illness, or injury, this 30 day program will help you take your body back with a focus on muscle activation, muscle hypertrophy, muscular endurance and muscle strength. Week One is bodyweight training. Week Two is bodyweight training with some added resistance to work on control. Week Three is an isolation joint hypertrophy week with dumbbells. Week Four experiments with various programs to prgress exercise frequency, time under tension, and muscle endurance. This 30-Day Plan will help your joints, tendons, ligaments, and bone to gently adapt to resistance training in a way that preserves your joints. Enjoy 5 days of exercise Monday-Friday with two rest days. Enjoy one video each day, 30-45 minutes each. Balance work from the trunk and spine, upper body, lower, and total body.


Day 1: Video 431 | Core Mobility (30 minutes)

Day 2: Video 460 | Pilates Lean Legs (30 minutes)

Day 3: Video 416 | Isometric Shoulder 360 Boost (30 minutes)

Day 4: Video 329 | Bodyweight Legs (30 Minutes)

Day 5: Video 233 | FIS Core Bodyweight Workout (30 Minutes)

Day 6: Active Rest Day

Day 7: Rest From Exercise

Day 8: Video 444 | Pilates with Weights (30 Minutes)

Day 9: Video 450 | Dumbbell Yoga: Arms and Abs (30 Minutes)

Day 10: Video 453 | Magic Circle Thigh Workout (30 Minute workout)

Day 11: Video 333 | Pilates Back and Shoulders (30 minutes)

Day 12: Video 287 | Yoga with Weights: Lower Body (37 Minutes)

Day 13: Active Rest Day

Day 14: Rest From Exercise

Day 15: Video 285 | Quads and Core (30 Minutes)

Day 16: Video 454 | FIS Legs and Glutes (30 Minutes)

Day 17: Video 280 | FIS Chest and Back (30 Minute Practice)

Day 18: Video 263 | FIS Shoulders (30 Minutes)

Day 19: Video 419 | Arms and Abs (30 Minutes)

Day 20: Active Rest Day

Day 21: Rest From Exercise

Day 22: Video 456 | Top 10 Compound Exercises (45 minutes)

Day 23: Video 425 | Chest and Triceps Dumbbell Workout (30 minutes)

Day 24: Video 242 | Leg Day (45 minutes)

Day 25: Video 429 | Triple Threat: Biceps, Triceps, and Shoulders (30 Minutes)

Day 26: Video 360 | Dumbbell HIIT (30 minutes)

Day 27: Active Rest Day

Day 28: Rest From Exercise

Day 29: Video 380 | Anti-Rotation Workout (30 Minute Workout)

Day 30: Video 446 | Glutes and Hamstring Supersets (30 minutes)

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30 Day Muscle Plan
  • Video 431 | Core Mobility (30 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    Mobility issues are often caused by muscle weakness. In this quick 30-minute routine, we will be looking at the four motions of the trunk and spine using bodyweight as resistance to strengthen muscles and improve mobility.

    The four positions we will examine are:
    1. Trunk Flexion
    2. Trunk Ext...

  • Video 460 | Pilates Lean Legs (30 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    This workout showcases many of the classic Pilates mat exercises that target the lower body using nothing but bodyweight, high reps, and high effort in order to hypertrophy and "tone" the legs.  

    We will start with a standing warm-up, then move to the floor for several sidelying hip exercises.  ...

  • Video 416 | Isometric Shoulder 360 Boost (30 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    The shoulder is a very complex joint. It is the most mobile and the least stable joint in the body. In this workout, we will train many of the cardinal planes of the shoudler. Practice positional isometric strength training to build strength, improve muscle contractions, lower risk of injury, ...

  • Video 329 | Bodyweight Leg Workout (30 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    Train the muscles of the lower body using body mass only. Experience how much resistance you can get from just moving your body and leveraging its mass. A Yoga block will be used in the video to redirect force in several of the exercises, but this is optional.

    This workout is packed full of ...

  • Video 233 | FIS Core Bodyweight Workout (30 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    This FIS Muscle Focus workout targets the core. This session is designed to position the body in a variety of ways against gravity to strengthen the core. Using concentric, eccentric, and isometric muscle contractions, this workout will help you feel taller and stronger by strengthening the mu...

  • Video 444 Pilates with Weights (30 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    If you are looking to build muscle while working your core, this workout incorporates free weights into your mat Pilates routine. Dumbbells can help add a challenge to your limbs and your core so that you get even better results in the time you have available.

    As we flow through many of the e...

  • Video 450 | Dumbbell Yoga: Arms and Abs (30 Minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    Experience an alignment-based Yoga practice designed to incorporate multi-joint isometric resistance training. It is often difficult to strengthen the upper body in many poses, so this workout will incorporate dumbbells. The added resistance from the free weights will challenge elbow, wrist, an...

  • Video 453 | Magic Circle Thigh Workout (30 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    The Pilates Magic Circle, or RIng is a very versatile tool, fitting comfortably inside and outside the legs, arms, and trunk. In this class, we will practice several creative variations of traditional Pilates mat exercises to strengthen the inner and outer thigh regions. Many of the positions w...

  • Video 333 | Pilates Back and Shoulders (30 Minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    Pilates is known for classic core strengthening floorwork targeting the abdominals, back, hips, and shoulders. In this workout, we will work to specifically target shoulder muscles using a Pilates ring (or magic circle) and a TheraBand. Improve your posture as you combine shoulder movements wit...

  • Video 287 | Yoga with Weights: Lower Body (30 minute workout) with Lauren Eirk

    Experience yoga poses from the floor and in standing with a flowing format using dumbbells to target the lower body while performing isometric resistance training in several classic Yoga poses. This practice begins with some floor sequences, then adds dumbbells to the lunge and squatting poses ...

  • Video 285 | Quads and Core (30 Minute Workout) with Lauren Eirk

    We commonly refer to "abs" when we think of core training, but many muscles in the front of the body can flex the spine. In this routine, strengthen the quadriceps, which affect both the hip and spine, and the abdominals.

    Starting on the floor, enjoy some great trunk and spine exercises to ton...

  • Video 454 | FIS Legs and Glutes (30 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    This workout incorporates a chair to add a lot of challenge and fun to our leg and glute training. Chair workouts are often thought of as easier, but not here! Having a chair for one-leg balance exercises like single leg squats and deadlifts actually help you work harder, since falling is not a...

  • Video 280 | FIS Chest and Back (30 Minute workout) with Lauren Eirk

    Simply speaking, chest muscles are used to push objects away from us Back muscles pull objects towards us. Exercises around these muscle groups are opposite in nature, as one works concentrically and one eccentrically to either shorten against a load or allow for more length to control the join...

  • Video 263 | FIS Shoulders (30 Minute Workout) with Lauren Eirk

    This FIS Muscle Focus workout targets the shoulder joint. The FIS Method is based on sound exercise mechanics that is kinder to your joints while giving you great results! This strength training routine targets the muscles that flex, extend, abduct, adduct and rotate the shoulder. This routine...

  • Video 419 | Arms and Abs (30 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    Many people want more tone in their arms and abdominals, and resistance training is part of the solution! In this workout, we will begin with some range of motion training for the elbow, shoulder, trunk and spine. Using dumbbells, experience several tricep / elbow extensor exercises with a vari...

  • Video 456 | Top 10 Compound Exercises (45 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    A compound exercise is any movement where you’re using more than one muscle group with multiple joints in a single exercise. It is important to perform isolated work that targets your body's weaknesses, but it is also beneficial to integrate joint motions.

    Exercises in this video include:

  • Video 425 | Chest and Triceps Dumbbell Workout (30 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    This workout is designed to strengthen muscles of the upper, middle, and lower chest muscles plus the triceps (back of the arms) using dumbbells. Experience sequences that will challenge similar joint actions, designed with a logical progression. This "pushing" strength workout is appropriate f...

  • Video 242 | Leg Day (45 Minute Workout) with Lauren Eirk

    This workout begins with a rhythmic warm-up followed by a mini-ball segment to work the lower body. Next, practice many powerful leg exercises using dumbbells. You will get plenty of cues and modifications as we move with a comfortable pace to give you a joint-friendly effective strength routin...

  • Video 429 | Triple-Threat: Biceps-Triceps-Shoulders (30 Mins) with Lauren Eirk

    I call this a "Triple Threat" for the upper body because this workout is comprised of some of the best hypertrophy exercises for Biceps, Triceps, and shoulders. After a short mobility warm-up, we dive right into the upper body workout with dumbbells. Experience several combinations of each musc...

  • Video 360 | Dumbbell HIIT (30 Minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    This full body resistance training workout features a faster-paced intensity intervals asking you to go all-out for three to four minutes, followed by a short rest to help you recover.

    Experience several repeating on-off sequences is shown to improve your VO2 max. This is our maximal aerobic ...

  • Video 380 | Anti-Rotation Workout (30 Minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    Anti-rotation is given to exercises that requires us to resist motion. When the resistance from an exercise is trying to cause trunk rotation, it’s the core’s job to prevent that from happening. The core has two tasks. 1) Prevent movement and 2) Transfer forces from the upper and lower body.


  • Video 446 | Glutes and Hamstrings Supersets (30 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    This resistance training workout will explore the "superset" or long set of exercises using dumbbells and a thigh band. Supersets can increase the difficulty of the workout and improve muscle gain since you can get more done in the time you have. Performing exercises with similar muscle groups ...