Video 660 | Full Body Calisthenics (45 mins) with Lauren Eirk
3 Day Fitness Plan
This 45 minute workout is a moderately-paced bodyweight routine designed to target the full body with creative variations on some classic calisthenics for improved mobility and strength. This is a flowing format as awe perform 8-12 reps for each exercise.
Feel free to put your favorite music on in the background as you move through these exercises! Over time you will notice your range of motion improve with each execution. I will be giving modifications throughout to allow for different body types and abilities. This is a video that you will want to practice regularly, as you explore your body's abilty to move!
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Yoga Mat:
Up Next in 3 Day Fitness Plan
Video 644 Full Body Bands (15 minutes...
In this workout we will use the thigh band and the TheraBand to create a total body resistance workout.
1. Hip Extension with Thigh Band
2. Two Legged hip extension: flexed knees
3. Seated Row
4. Bulgarian Split Squat
5. Overhead Press
6. Supine Chest Press
7. Front Raise
8. Pull Apart
9... -
Video 233 | FIS Core Bodyweight Worko...
This FIS Muscle Focus workout targets the core. This session is designed to position the body in a variety of ways against gravity to strengthen the core. Using concentric, eccentric, and isometric muscle contractions, this workout will help you feel taller and stronger by strengthening the mu...
Video 587 | FIS Pecs & Shoulders (30 ...
The pectoral muscles adduct the shoulder, bringing our arms across our body. They also move our shoudler blades apart to allow for freedom of movement in our arms and shoulders. In this workout, we will move through a variety of shoulder positions to build these muscles.
Exercises include t...
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